Minutes of a committee meeting held in Thorncombe Village Hall on

Tuesday, 26 March 2013



Sheila Moreland (President); John Whitbread (Chair); Ruth Jacobson (Secretary);

Lynn Kinsey (Treasurer); Rachael Whitbread



1. Apologies for absence


Mark Shelley: Eve Higgs (Minutes Clerk)


2. Minutes of meeting held on 26 February 2013


Approved and signed by Chair. The Committee expressed its continued appreciation of the Minutes’ Clerk contribution.


3. Democratic period for Trust members


No members present


4. Matters Arising:

            a) February meeting with Magdalen Trust representatives. It was agreed that the meeting had been productive in clarifying the current situation with regard to their activities and plans. There was obviously scope for some future collaboration between the TVT and Magdalen while still maintaining a ‘watching brief’ on issues relevant to the TVT mandate such as traffic.

            b) Bluebell Walk. LK informed the Committee that the continuing bad weather meant it was still too early to plan for this.

            c) Tree Maintenance. JW informed the Committee that he had established that there has been some tree mapping carried out by WDCC Tree Preservation Officer. However, it is by no means systematic and at present only covers the central area of Thorncombe, so there is definitely a need for the TVT to build up a more comprehensive base, including ‘significant trees’ and other areas in the parish. It was agreed that this would be a valuable TVT initiative, which could then be fed back to the WDCC.(JW/MS)

            d) February Members’ Meeting. Although the speaker had been enthusiastic, his presentation underscored the importance of ensuring that speakers having a more professional approach. Audience feedback: 4 * - 4; 3* - 6; 2* - 0; 1* - 1

            e) Village Hall Hedge. JW reported that the Trust’s donation to this had been well received and there was now a further request that the Trust identify and supply a suitable native specimen tree, preferably flowering, to complete the planting. After discussion, it was agreed that RW should make the decision, bearing in mind the proposed location.  (RW)

5. Arrangements for AGM 9 May

’40 Years On’ theme’:  JW reported that MS was prepared to handle the technical arrangements for showing the original DVD, and is looking for someone who is prepared to record the audience reactions, discussion etc. It was agreed that this aspect should be finalised as soon as possible.(MS).  In preparation for the meeting, RW agreed to approach some of Thorncombe’s longstanding local residents to let them know of the plans for the AGM and to invite them along to see the film (RW)

Refreshments: wine and nibbles from village shop to be served, with request for donations.  (RJ)

Publicity: notices for Marshwood Vale (LK) and Parish Magazine (JW)

6. Members’ Meetings and other activities 2013-2014

JW reported that consistent with the Committee’s decision, he had approached the 3 organisations which we currently support with donations and all had agreed to supply speakers. The Ramblers in July and the CPRE in November would both focus on local issues. The Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) will identify a local speaker for September.  There had been a proposal from our former Chair for a return visit in January 2014 from Tony Burges on Dartmoor and the Committee agreed. The March 2014 meeting could be earmarked for a local history theme, with speaker to be identified by Eve Higgs. The Committee accepted all these proposals. There would be a further summer outdoor activity. All  information to go on the new TVT membership card.

7. Current Planning Applications: JW informed the Committee that Magdalen’s application for conversion of their buildings had been passed by the Planning Committee on a 7-4 vote, but that the application to extend the yurt accommodation had been dropped. There were no other planning issues of relevance to the TVT.

8. Finance Report – see Appendix 1 attached

9. Thorncombe Parish Council Review. JW reported on the meeting held on 5 March 2013 – see Appendix 2 attached

10. Any Other Business

            a) RW reminded the Committee of the plans to organise a visit to Charlotte Bradley’s to see the lambs; there would be publicity about this when the weather was suitable. She also reminded them about the Plant Sale.

           b) Newsletter. This was approved

            c) April Parish Council meeting: JW to attend

            d) Annual Parish Meeting in May: date and format to be confirmed RJ


11. Next meeting:   Tuesday 30 April 2013